Monday, December 26, 2011


I get alot of daily newsletter things on various subjects; cretivity, beading, fiberarts, polymerclay, spirituality, befief systems, etc. One of my favorites is Spiritcloth. Jude Hill is consistent in her contributions and I find her an amazing person, one who Ii would like to be when I grow up, only I am sure I am older than she so that isn't likely.
Her work is unique, nothing  else is like it. I find it inspiring consistentlly and bet you will too.
Check it out. Spiritcloth stitching a story could be called Sspiritcloth, Stitching a Life.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Well it was a lot of fun. I am not completely happy with it because I need more practice in making the copper wire beads. I like the polymer clay beads,( barrels, drums, lentils), and the fabric beads came out nice too. But the copper wire beads? For one thing I've had the wire forever and do not know the gauge. I may have had better luck with a slightly smaller gauge. Oh yeah, I am going to try again. The idea came from a design by Cyndi Lavin, Jewelry Crafts Magazine, March/April 2007. I made a slew of changes. the original used hand painted satin cord, I used a simple dark cotton cord. the original beads used were purchased ceramic rather than polymer clay. If Cyndi recognizes it I doubt if she'd want to claim it!! But who knows?