I get alot of daily newsletter things on various subjects; cretivity, beading, fiberarts, polymerclay, spirituality, befief systems, etc. One of my favorites is Spiritcloth. Jude Hill is consistent in her contributions and I find her an amazing person, one who Ii would like to be when I grow up, only I am sure I am older than she so that isn't likely.
Her work is unique, nothing else is like it. I find it inspiring consistentlly and bet you will too.
Check it out. Spiritcloth stitching a story could be called Sspiritcloth, Stitching a Life.
I get alot of daily newsletter things on various subjects; cretivity, beading, fiberarts, polymerclay, spirituality, befief systems, etc. One of my favorites is Spiritcloth. Jude Hill is consistent in her contributions and I find her an amazing person, one who Ii would like to be when I grow up, only I am sure I am older than she so that isn't likely.
Her work is unique, nothing else is like it. I find it inspiring consistentlly and bet you will too.
Check it out. Spiritcloth stitching a story could be called Sspiritcloth, Stitching a Life.